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In Ground Burial Options

Upright Monument

These choices allow families to proudly display their memorialization with granite monuments. Monuments enable families to design unique, permanent displays which can be found year round and which express the type of person they are through many different granite colors, shapes and inscriptions.

Upright Monument
Upright Monument
Upright Monument

Companion Estates

These areas of the cemetery are the only sections which allow an upright monument with two (2) spaces instead of six (6). The monuments do not have a separate base and rest on a concrete row which extends across the entire area.

Companion Estates
Companion Estates
Companion Estates

Flush Memorial Sections

Always taking into consideration cemetery trends, flush memorial sections are developed in various areas throughout the cemetery. These only allow bronze or granite memorials that are level with the ground, creating a garden-like appearance throughout those areas.

Flush Memorial
Flush Memorial Section
Flush Memorial

Lawn Crypts

This economic option which can either be one or two deep into the ground. This allows two caskets to be interred within one space and saves on land in the entire area. Memorial options are limited to accommodate a uniform appearance throughout this area.

Lawn Crypts
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